Saturday, June 7, 2008

we, it's a long wall, so of course theer are more pictures!

L-O-N-G wall. About 3000 miles. Started BCE to protect small states. Enlarged and connected thru several dynasties. Meant to keep the Mongols out. Didn't work (they founded the Ming Dynasty)...then they wanted it to keep the Manchus out. Didn't work (they founded the Qing dynasty)Big feat of engineering. Many many lives absorbed/destroyed in the building of it. And in the occasional storming of it.
The countryside is pretty spectacular on it's own.
This whole damn country is like one big stair-master!
Wished for a dip...didn't get it. Some of the kids on the hike with us rode a zip line down to behind the dam! 

1 comment:

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